Friday, October 16, 2009

Working hard or studying too long on your laptop?

Anna's Massage Tips

Working hard or studying too long on your laptop?

Need a boost of energy and mental focus? Place your thumb behind your ear and your index finger in front of it.

Start at the top of your ear and gently rub the border, slowly moving down to the earlobe. Do both sides at the same time, and viola! You will feel more alert and charged to go on.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Walk to Health

The walking experience is primordial. All land-based creatures do it. Humans have been relying on this primary functional activity of daily life for as long as we have been around. Some people have developed it into a high-grade level of functional movement, an exercise that can combine performance with art, with health and fitness. Walking is uniquely human (though on two legs we cannot match the speed of most animals). We, nevertheless, can move with direction, determination, purpose and intention. Here the abstracted image ends and the real somatic feel begins.

Power Walking With Ease: From Hips To Spine To Arms

Walking upright requires an alignment with central gravity that is unique to humans. This connecting link starts from the hips, the strong bony structure and articulations of the pelvis generate three actions which are essential to getting lift and forward power. The hips have to rotate laterally, bend and extend, and flex.

That power is then transmitted to the spine and the ribs, which need to be in the best alignment to transmit the vectors of force.
So what if it isn’t in the best alignment? First, imagine a car trying to move uphill in high gear. There is not enough power, the engine overheats and damage soon occurs. It is the same in a human body. If the hips are not generating the "horsepower" because of restrictions in action, then you walk harder using the legs. The legs become stressed, often manifesting this stress as knee problems. Second, the hips are doing OK, but the spine is curved either in a lower-back curvature (lordosis) or a mid-back curvature (kyphosis).

Does this sound discouraging? Look at it this way, if you recognize you are working too hard to walk, it is only a matter of some sensing, learning and movement awareness to shift out of a poor habit into a better way of walking to get the system functioning the way it was designed to do.

Try This Exercise

1. Face a door or wall. Place your fingers on it and organize yourself to be standing close and in the vertical plane. Avoid any leaning forward or putting pressure on your fingers.

2. Now, stand on one leg. Keep that leg straight and push through that leg as if you were pressing into the ground and generating a ground force, a spring-like action that runs up your spine and gives you the feeling of uplift (getting taller).
3. Think of directing the force through your body and notice how the body starts to turn. While you are doing this your other leg should have no weight on it. It can be touching the ground with the toes with the heel lifted to maintain your balance. Practice this activity on one leg, rest, and then do it with your other leg.

The key to this exercise is trial by experiment in order to sense differences and notice connections. Simply by doing and noticing, you start to activate your innate ability to feel the connection between pushing through a straightened leg and following that force as it travels through your body. It will probably rotate you slightly through the left if you are standing on your right leg, or to the right if you are standing on your left leg.
Follow the force of this thrusting until you are clear where the end point is.

Simply by doing this exercise you are already developing movement awareness of sensing limbs, joint actions, resonant motion, lengthening and strengthening in an interconnected way. Once you start to cultivate the sensing of such connections, your walking will improve automatically.
Walking as described above elongates the spine, provides strengthening, endurance, relaxation and perhaps most important, confidence building. Walking is the basic foundation of fitness.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Lower Back Pain

Anna's Massage Tips
For back comfort...
If you have low back pain, particularly mild chronic pain in the sacral or sacro iliac areas, one very simple, but surprisingly effective method to relieve it is to keep your feet—either both at once or one at a time—slightly elevated on a low footrest whenever you are seated for any length of time, particularly if you work at a desk or computer.

You can purchase footrests for this purpose, or simply use a couple of thick books or a firm box. This combination, with a good lumbar support pillow, can make a huge difference in your back comfort.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Heal Your Child With Touch

Anna's Massage Tips

Heal Your Child With Touch

How powerful is a parent’s touch? Very calming and comforting—it relieves anxiety and conveys the message of security to the child.

To begin a massage, choose a quiet, comfortable, warm spot and rub oil (baby oil or olive oil will do just fine) on your hands so they’ll glide smoothly over your child’s skin.

Basically, massage your child’s face, chest, back of arms, hands, lets and feet. If your child is ticklish, maybe go a little deeper or skip over that spot of the body. End your massage with a hug and a kiss, and tell your child how much you love and appreciate him or her. They will love you for it! Happy massaging!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Most of the human body is comprised of this life-giving element, which performs many vital functions.

Why We Need It

Water is second only to air in importance for life. We can survive many days or even weeks without food, but we can only survive a few days without water. Unfortunately, the body’s need for water and its importance for health are often overlooked.

Approximately 60 to 75 percent of total body weight is water. While most people know that the blood, lymph, urine, sweat and tears are mostly water, they do not realize that the lungs are 90 percent water, the brain is 76 percent and even bones are 25 percent water. It also serves as a cushion and lubricant for our spine and other joints.
Most individuals lose between 10 and 16 cups of water per day. This loss is in sweat, urine, in the air we exhale and via direct evaporation from our skin. During exercise in a warm climate, as much as 8 cups of water can be lost in a single hour.

(You can visit the International Water Association’s Hydration Calculator to get an estimate on how much water you should have a day.)

Water’s Role In Massage
It’s important to keep your body’s fluid balance in check. You hear how vital it is to replenish what is lost during exercise, how the key to a successful workout is to keep well hydrated before, during and after exercising but did you also know that water is also important to drink post-massage?

Drinking water after a workout and/or a massage session is very important for creating balance in a person’s well-being,” says AMTA President Laurel J. Freeman. “The body uses muscle energy to move. The energy used from the muscles produces a byproduct called metabolic waste. There are many types of metabolic wastes, including lactic acid. Water helps the muscles by assisting the body's ability to release and eliminate metabolic waste to restore balance,” she says.

Anna says that massage ‘flushes out’ these metabolic waste products that have been trapped in soft tissues. “This puts the waste products into circulation in the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems where they are filtered and eliminated from the body,” she says. “Drinking lots of water provides the fluid medium for the ‘flushing out’ process. And, of course, drinking lots of water leads to more trips to the bathroom where water and waste products in circulation are eliminated.”

When We Don’t Get Enough
Insufficient water intake results in reduced cell function, which greatly diminishes the body’s ability to heal damaged tissues from injury and maintain optimal health. F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., author of Your Body’s Many Cries For Water, has successfully treated many diagnosed diseases—peptic ulcers, colitis, hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic back and neck pain, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, high cholesterol, asthma, allergies and diabetes—with simply increased and regular intake of water.

According to Batmanghelidj, dry mouth is the last sign of inadequate cellular water. When the thirst signals produced by the body are ignored or are responded to with intake of beverages other than water (i.e., soda, coffee, tea or concentrated fruit juice), eventually the body stops providing the sensation of thirst. It often requires drinking water regularly throughout the day for as long as six to eight months for the normal thirst signals to return, and for people to reacquire a taste for water. It can take up to a year or longer to rehydrate your tissues. The sensation of thirst also diminishes as we age. Therefore, it is very important for the elderly to acquire a “habit” of drinking adequate water to avoid cellular dehydration and subsequent health problems.

Caffeine’s Negative Effects

The loss of body water through urination is greatly increased by the ingestion of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, as they a diuretic effect. Not only do we lose water, we also lose water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin B1 (thiamine) and other B complex vitamins. There also is increased excretion of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chloride and zinc.

This loss can be made up by a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, since they can supply about 4 cups of water per day. But even with a diet high in fruits and vegetables, it is still necessary to drink an additional 6 to 8 cups of water per day to supply enough water to meet the body’s daily needs. For every caffeinated or alcoholic beverage you drink, you need to add an additional glass of pure water.

High intakes of caffeine have been linked to anxiety, insomnia, elevated blood pressure, heart palpitations, headaches, fibrocystic breast disease, diarrhea, increased stomach acidity and ulcers, birth defects and miscarriages. Long-term use of caffeine will cause overworked and weakened adrenals, which may lead to depression and chronic fatigue.

Tolerance for caffeine varies greatly. Some individuals can tolerate as much as 500 milligrams of caffeine per day, equivalent to five or more cups of coffee. Other people cannot tolerate even one cup of green tea, which contains approximately 35 milligrams of caffeine. This intolerance often is due to decreased capacity of the liver to clear caffeine from the body. If any symptoms of excess caffeine consumption are present or pregnancy is planned, caffeine should be eliminated from the diet. Otherwise intake of caffeine should be limited to less than 100 milligrams per day, the equivalent of one cup of coffee. Besides coffee and tea, caffeine is present in soda, chocolate, aspirin and other drugs, such as Fiorinal, Vivarin, NoDoz and Dexatrim.

Drink Up
There have been reports of people suffering from water intoxication, where too much water is consumed and it results in coma, or even death.

Technically, it is possible to drink too much water. However, according to the American Dietetic Association, the bigger concern is not consuming enough fluids.

Most people need 8 to 12 cups of water daily—from drinking water, other beverages and water in solid foods. And since certain medications, high-fiber intake and age can further boost your need for water, it’s more important to worry about getting enough high-quality H2O, than worrying about getting too much.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Anna's Massage Tips

Get that knot out of your neck... There's no one around to help you get the knot out of your neck. You've been sitting at the computer for entirely too long. What are you to do? Keep a small towel in the office for just this occasion.

Wet the towel and microwave for 1 ½ minutes on high. Reach in very carefully to see if it's hot enough. Wrap the towel around your neck and sit back for a minute. Once comfortably sitting, begin to stretch your neck by lowering your head for 10 seconds in each of these positions: forward, left, and right. Remove the towel, take the palms of both hands and rub in a circular motion on both sides of the neck for 30 seconds.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Maybe someone thoughtfully decided to get you the gift of massage to help you relax. Or, maybe you just decided to treat yourself. Whatever the case, you are ready to get a massage. But, before you go, knowing what to expect at your first appointment, as well being prepared with the right questions to ask, can ensure that you get the most from your session.

Speak Up

Good communication is very important to ensuring your comfort. Don’t be afraid to discuss any apprehensions or concerns, since it’s important that you be as comfortable as possible during the session.

Also, if this is your first massage, make sure you tell your therapist this. She’ll take more time with you to explain the basics to ensure your comfort.
Anna remembers one particular experience with a first-time client. It serves as a reminder of just how important it is to communicate clearly with first-time clients. “I wasn’t as cued into this particular woman as I should have been, as I was leaving the room, I tossed over my shoulder, 'please get completely undressed and slip under he sheet.' The woman’s eyes bulged out. She was clearly petrified.” Massage therapists are professionals dedicated to do their best to help you feel at ease. While you will get more out of a massage with less on, removing articles of clothing may make some uncomfortable. The therapist will either leave the room or otherwise provide privacy while you undress. You should take off only as much as you are comfortable removing. A sheet or towel is provided for draping during the massage.

The therapist will uncover only the part of the body being massaged, insuring that modesty is respected at all times. The draping also keeps the person receiving the massage warm. If you do not want to undress, wear clothes during the massage that will allow the massage therapist to touch and move the areas of your body that need to be worked on. Also, make sure to remove any jewelry or other articles that might interfere with the massage.
Anna worked with that particular client to make the situation more comfortable, and today, they are able to look back and laugh at the first-time experience.

Be Honest
Though stress relief is a common reason for people to seek out massage, massage therapy can alleviate numerous ailments. If it is your first appointment, or a first appointment with a new massage therapist, a basic health history should be taken. Here, you can list any areas that are troubling you or anything in particular you’d like the therapist to pay special attention to.

Before the session, let your massage therapist know what your needs are, and report any areas that have been giving you trouble lately—neck, head, legs, etc. Also know that massage can help with more than these ailments.
"Massage is important in various ways to all consumers,” says Anna. “Massage can help consumers cope with stress, maintain a better quality of life when dealing with chronic pain or disease, help with injury recovery whether they are an athlete or a weekend warrior and help them become more aware of their body in terms of self-care. Massage can also provide the much needed caring touch for those women who have been widowed or are dealing with breast cancer." Feel free to give feedback to the massage therapist regarding things such as the hand pressure and speed of movement. Most will check in with you to determine if the pressure they are using is right, but if at any time the pressure is too much or too little, let your therapist know. Also, report any discomfort, whether it is from the massage itself or due to any problems or distractions related to the environment (e.g., room temperature, music volume, lighting, etc.).

Chatter Control

Some people like to talk during a massage session, while others remain silent. If your massage therapist encourages you to talk or not talk, it is usually based on whether or not it seems to help let go of tension and get in touch with oneself. However one of the most common reasons people change massage therapists is that they felt the therapist talked too much. Anna adds “What clients tell me, and what I find when I am on the receiving end of massage, is that talking takes away from the relaxation component of the session, clients like to zone out, to shut out the worldly distractions, and to tune into the sensation of the massage, and to enjoy the feeling of having their muscles and tissues worked on. Talking makes them have to pay attention. Massage induces a parasympathetic state of rest, and having to talk or listen can hinder that,” she says.

The therapist should ask about the topic of conversation before the massage begins; but if the therapist doesn’t, then you have the right to discuss it either before or during the massage. Say something like, “I prefer to rest and not talk when I get massaged.” “If a therapist is chatting away, it may be awkward for a client to be assertive enough to say something, but most therapists want to serve their clients' needs, and would be appreciative for the information,” Anna says.
Above all, remember: time on the massage table is your time. Don’t be afraid to ask your therapist questions, so that your massage experience can be as relaxing and beneficial as possible.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Anna's Massage Tips

A Good Head Massage Goes A Long Way
For those of you who spend a lot of time "in your head," a good head massage works a variety of accu-pressure points and increases circulation to your head and brain. It is very relaxing and can take as little or as much time as you wish, but should take at least two to three minutes.
Close your eyes to diminish sensory input and start by resting the bases of your palms on your forehead with the fingers positioned on the scalp. Using a firm pressure—NOT sliding your palms or fingers—rotate your hands. This moves your whole scalp. Then with your right hand, using a circular motion of your fingertips, massage the right side of your scalp. Reposition your hands as necessary to cover the entire right side of your scalp front to back and from the midline of your scalp to your ears.

Remember, not to SLIDE your fingers but to use just enough pressure to move the top layer of your scalp. Now switch and work on the left side of your head.
Next, using either your index or middle fingers on both hands, place them midline of your scalp and at the edge of your hairline. Working from front to back, using the same circular pressure as before, massage these pressure points, advancing a quarter of an inch at a time. Use as little or as much pressure as feels good to you. Stop when you reach the crown of your head. The finishing touch to this massage is to take small tufts of your hair and gently pull and release it, covering the whole head; then gently scratch your entire scalp. Practicing deep breathing while doing this massage adds greatly to the benefits of this massage technique. Now you're ready to go back to work if you must, or go to sleep if it's bedtime!
Happy Massage Anna

Monday, July 27, 2009

Inspire Your Spirit

A sweetly fragrant rose, golden autumn leaves or a sparkling waterfall—nature has the power to inspire, relieve stress and soothe the soul. Although this idea may be common knowledge, scientists want to know exactly how a natural environment affects us. Some ongoing research sheds light on the many ways nature improves our lives.

Live Longer and Better
Here are just a few of the ways that nature impacts human life, according to recent studies. Elderly people tend to live longer if their homes are near parks or green spaces; college students score higher on cognitive tests if their dorm windows provide a natural view; and playing in outdoor lush environments reduces ADHD symptoms in children.

At the University of Michigan, scientists observed that spending time in nature helps people relax, which probably doesn’t come as a surprise. But they also noted something else, too: time spent communing with nature helps improve memory and attention span. Paying attention to the natural world—sitting outside listening to the birds, for example—is an involuntary brain activity according to Marc Berman, lead author of a paper on the research. That’s why we don’t get tired looking at trees or flowers. Our brains work differently in a relaxed state, and time spent in that state pays off later.

Bring Nature to You
Ideally, green time is an outdoor activity. But why not bring the power of nature into your home or office, too? Adding live plants to your work environment is an easy and cost-effective way to bring a little nature inside. Plants rejuvenate the air, fit into any décor, and provide clients and coworkers the opportunity to commune with nature.

Hardy indoor hanging plants include: spider plants and a wide variety of ivy, both of which can be easily propagated to create more plants. Though ferns are pretty, they are more high maintenance. They can wither quickly and their falling leaves create a mess. Ditto for ficus, which are often sold as small potted trees. Cacti are another hardy choice.

But don’t forgo a date with your local park, beach or back yard. In a busy workaday world, you might feel frivolous when stopping to smell the roses. But remember, taking time to slow down and enjoy the outdoors might just improve your memory and attention span. If nothing else, you’ll be more relaxed and happy. That feeling alone will mean your time has been well-spent.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Essential Oils for Pain Relief

Working with essential oils requires an understanding of the physiological properties, methods of delivery, safety issues such as skin sensitization and contraindication, as well as the "subtle" aspect which includes the effect on the mind, emotions and spirit.

When it comes to pain relief, aromatherapy recognizes that there are different ways to approach. For example, there are specific essential oils recommended for headache pain if the headache is caused by stress, by overindulging, by withheld anger, and so on.
In the same way, muscle or joint pain could require nerve sedation, warming through increased circulation, removing inflammation and/or toxins, or a combination of these and other aspects. Massage therapists should be well-equipped to determine the physical cause and description of the client's pain, which makes selecting the right essence easy if you know its physiological properties.

Understanding the mental and emotional state of the client in regard to the pain or in their current life experience will add the ability to select essences based on the subtle properties. For example, a pain blend for someone who has had a sports injury would be different than one for someone going through a difficult divorce. The most effective blend addresses both physical and subtle influences. Topical application in massage or bath is suggested, but relief through inhaling diffused blends has also been reported.

Essential oils have been seen to have an almost immediate effect on muscle tissue augmented by manipulation through massage. Musculoskeletal pain can be effectively reduced through using analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, detoxifying and rubefacient essential oils.

Analgesic Essential Oils
German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita), Roman Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis), Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus ), Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), Sweet Marjoram (Origanum majorana), Peppermint (Mentha x piperita), Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and Thyme (Thymus vulgaris ct. linalool) are common analgesic essential oils. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is an essence more frequently used in the East. Earlier articles have explored the properties of the commonly used essences. Of these, Chamomile, Lavender and Marjoram are also a sedative, while Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Rosemary and Thyme are considered stimulants.

A lesser known stimulant is Turmeric A native of South Asia, Turmeric has been used for thousands of years as an herb in cooking and as medicine. The yellow powder is an ingredient in many curries. Current research indicates that Turmeric has a strong antioxidant property that makes it an herb that may prevent and assist disease and aging issues.

It belongs to the ginger family and the powder and essential oil is obtained from the thick rhizome (root). In traditional Chinese and Indian medicine, Turmeric is used to treat flatulence, colic, abdominal pain, liver disorder, menstrual issues, hemorrhage, bruises, sores and toothache as well as chest and shoulder pain. Because of its analgesic, anti-arthritis, anti-inflammatory, choleric, digestive and rubefacient properties, aromatherapists use Turmeric for arthritis, rheumatism, digestive problems and liver congestion.

Research has shown that turmeric can stop the proliferation of laboratory strains of melanoma. (Read Farida Irani 2008 article "Turmeric" in "Aromatherapy Journal," the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) e-Journal.) Turmeric is said to be non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing.

Anti-inflammatory Essential Oils
German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita), Roman Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis), Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum), also known as Everlasting, Turmeric (Curcuma longa) and Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) bring down swelling and are appropriate choices for osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, strains and sprains where inflammation is present. Both German Chamomile and Yarrow are deep blue.

Treatment Blends for Pain

Diluted into 1 oz carrier oil, based only on analgesic and anti-inflammatory physiological properties a treatment blend for inflamed, painful joints or strained muscles and back pain might include the following:

Inflamed, Painful Joints
Chamomile 1 drop
Marjoram 5 drops
Rosemary 3 drops
Turmeric 1 drop

Strained Muscles and Back Pain
Lavendar 6 drops
Eucalyptus 1 drop
Peppermint 2 drops
Helichrysum 1 drop

These blends contain both sedative and stimulant essences, but a greater number of drops of sedative oils create an overall relaxing effect.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

History of Reflexology

The Origins of Reflexology
Today Reflexology has recently become a popular and accepted form of alternative therapy in the West. However, reflexology has been around for as long as 5,000 years. Reflexology first appeared in ancient cultures including China, Egypt, Greece and Japan and in later years traveled to Europe and the United States.

By manipulating the feet to restore balance to the body was a recognized healing technique in ancient China. Experts believe that reflexology dates back to the Fourth Century BC when it originated alongside the ancient Oriental practices of Shiatsu and Acupuncture.

The first evidence of reflexology was the discovery of a wall painting in the tomb of Ankhamahor, "The Tomb of the Physician." painted on Saqqare, an ancient burial ground for Egyptian pharaohs. This Egyptian painting below was dated 2330 BC

The Egyptians believed the human body is a symphony of vibrations and the internal organs form an intricate orchestra. They believed the organs could be played by manipulating points on the feet.

Monday, July 13, 2009

New to Massage Therapy

Years of research shows that massage therapy is no longer just for relaxation. The medicinal benefits offered by therapeutic massage can have a positive, lasting impact on your health and lifestyle. But if you haven’t had much experience with massage therapy, you might be wondering what to expect.

Purpose of Massage
The benefit of a therapeutic massage comes from the purpose of the massage. It can rid your body of life’s every day stresses, reduce muscle pain, help alleviate the discomfort of certain ailments, or just help restore balance to your body and mind, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and helping you maintain a life of wellness and good health.

The Best Treatment For You
At The Holistic Health Centre, the choice is yours. You can select the massage treatment that best fits your needs for very affordable rates. If you aren’t certain what type of massage you would enjoy most, our experienced Massage Therapists will meet with you prior to your massage to help determine the best customized therapeutic massage for you.

To book your treatment call us on +220-9904493

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Aromatherapy Massage

Our aromatherapy is an excellent preventative treatment as it helps to relieve stress and related conditions. It stimulates our natural immune body mechanisms and particular oils have an affinity with certain systems of the body helping to alleviate respiratory, digestive, circulatory or hormonal problems.

As a part of nature, our aromatic essential oils are tools of healing and combined with the soothing power of massage have enormous therapeutic benefits to the body. By their fragrance and absorption through the skin, essential oils can also have subtle effects on the mind and emotions, helping to give feelings of relaxation, balance and harmony, a truly holistic therapy.

With our aromatherapy massage the emphasis is on smooth, flowing movements designed to assist the nourishment and oxygen to the tissues easing muscular aches and pains and helping with fatigue.

D600 60 minutes

Book your aromatherapy massage at +220-9904493

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Reflexology is much more than just a foot massage. This ancient technique can bring your whole body back into balance & can have deep, effective results on a large range of health problems.

The theory is that every part of your body is mapped out on the feet. More than 5,000 years ago, the Indians & Chinese were using reflexology. Pictographs on the wall of an Egyptian tomb show a man being treated with a form of reflexology. It is also a strong tradition in many African tribes & Native American peoples.

The benefits of reflexology include –
Stimulation to the blood circulation & the lymphatic system
Particularly effective for digestive disorders & constipation
Menstrual & menopausal problems respond well
Reduced stress & fatigue
Reduction in frequency & severity of migraines
Improvement in skin conditions
Increased energy
D400 35 Minutes
To book your Reflexology session call us on +220-9904493

Friday, July 10, 2009

Psychological Benefits of Massage

Massage as a healing tool has been around for thousands of years in many cultures. Touching is a natural human reaction to pain and stress, and for conveying compassion and support. We now have scientific proof of the benefits of massage - benefits ranging from treating chronic diseases and injuries to alleviating the growing tensions of our modern lifestyles.

Having a massage does more than just relax your body and mind - there are specific physiological and psychological changes which occur, even more so when massage is utilized as a preventative, frequent therapy and not simply mere luxury. Massage not only feels good, but it can cure what ails you

1. Increases a sense of well-being

2. Alleviates mental and nervous exhaustion

3. Deepens awareness of self, breath, movement

4. Reduces mental stress

5. Improves mood

6. Helps release long-held patterns of trauma and grief

7. Enhances psychotherapeutic & spiritual growth

8. Increases a sense of vitality, energy & mental alertness

9. Prepares one mentally for work/athletic performance

10. Decreases depression

11. Fosters peace of mind

12. Improves ability to respond to everyday stress

13. Enhances capacity for creative thought

14. Satisfies basic need for soothing, nurturing touch

15. Reduces anxiety
16. Increases awareness of mind-body connection

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Physical Benefits of Massage

Massage as a healing tool has been around for thousands of years in many cultures. Touching is a natural human reaction to pain and stress, and for conveying compassion and support.

Having a massage does more than just relax your body and mind - there are specific physiological and psychological changes which occur, even more so when massage is utilized as a preventative, frequent therapy and not simply mere luxury. Massage not only feels good, but it can cure what ails you.

1) Massage dilates (opens up) blood vessels, improving circulation and relieving congestion.

2) Massage increases the number of red blood cells, especially useful in cases of anemia.

3) Massage acts as a ‘mechanical cleanser’ pushing along lymph and hastening the elimination of wastes and toxic debris.

4) Massage improves muscle tone and helps prevent or delay muscular atrophy resulting from forced inactivity.

5) Massage can compensate, at least in part, for lack of exercise and muscular contraction in persons who, because of injury, illness or age, are forced to remain inactive. In these cases, massage helps return venous blood to the heart, and so eases the strain on this vital organ.

6) Massage improves the general circulation and nutrition of tissues. It is accompanied or followed by an increased interchange of substances between the blood and tissue cells, heightening tissue metabolism.

7) Massage increases excretion via the kidneys of fluids and nitrogen, inorganic phosphorus and salt in normal individuals.

8) Massage encourages the retention of chemical compounds necessary for tissue repair in persons convalescing from bone fractures.

9) Massage stretches connective tissue, improves its circulation and nutrition and so breaks down or prevents the formation of adhesions and reduces the danger of fibroses.

10) Massage improves the circulation and nutrition of joints and hastens the elimination of harmful particles.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Indian Head Massage

Indian head massage is part of Ayurveda healing system which believes that good health depends on balanced energy. It is safe, simple yet effective way for relieving stress.The treatment is focused on the head, neck, shoulders and back. It improves blood circulation to the neck and head increasing the flow of oxygen to cells and tissues.

> It improves and promotes hair growth.

> It enhances health and nourishment of the skin.

> It relieves accumulated tension and restores flexibility to tight muscles.

> It reduces mental stress and promotes better sleep.

> It improves concentration and reduces anxiety.
45 minutes

Book your Indian head massage at +220-9904493

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Waxing Treatments

Let us pamper you with our Holistic health waxing treatment. Waxing is a very convenient, cost-effective, longer-lasting and quick method of removing this unwanted and unsightly body hair. As it removes hair directly from the roots, one does not need to worry about hair growth till at least 3-6 weeks.

Waxing can be used for removing hair from virtually any part of the body. It is most commonly used for removing hair on the arms, legs, underarms and bikini line. Other parts of body where waxing is frequently used for hair-removal are face, including upper lips, lower lips, eyebrows and chin, and the chest and back. The only areas where waxing should not be used are eyelashes and inside nose and ears.

Waxing is the longest-lasting temporary hair removal technique available. First, a special preconditioning lotion for waxing (regular lotions and creams make the wax slip from the hair) is applied. Then hot wax is poured onto the skin and covered with strips of cloth. Once the wax hardens around each strand of hair, the cloth is quickly pulled off. Waxing really does make your hair grow lighter over time.

Waxing Prices
Full Leg D600
Half Leg D300
Bikini Line D300
Under Arm D300
To book your waxing treatment call us on +220-9904493

Monday, June 8, 2009

Healing Products

We use only the finest products that represent nature as well as nurture. Our facial and body lines are 100% plant based containing ingredient from natural sources. Ann’s Holistic product line contains natural active therapeutic properties that allow the skin to be its healthiest ever.

We also carry pure therapeutic grade essential oils, a variety of relaxation and healing cd’s and books We are still working on improving this area with local organic and natural beauty products.
We also produce a range of organic and natural beauty products for you to take home.
To order our product line call us on +220-9904493

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mini-Facelift Treatment

Baobab has been part of African skin care for centuries; it is widely viewed as the ultimate beauty product. It has a high content of vitamins A, D, E and F (essential fatty acids). Baobab, the tree of life provides impressive moisturizing benefits to the skin and hair.It absorbs quickly, improves elasticity, encourages regeneration of skin cells and does not clog the pores.

Our unique Mini Facelift formula combines the proven anti-aging properties and the skin renewing strengths of pure, wild harvested African Baobab for youthful and radiant skin. Our tree of life mini facelift tightens and tones the skin and moisturizes and encourages skin cell regeneration.

Our Baobab products are sustainably harvested from wild Baobab trees and our micronized powder is 100% unrefined for maximum effectiveness.
D500 35 Minutes

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Gambian Manicures

Gambian Manicures
This deluxe experience offers relaxation, renewal and a terrific moisturizing restorative treatment for nails and hands. You’ll receive a complete range of services from cleaning, buffing, exfoliating to trimming, shaping, base-and-top coating and polishing. A massage for hands and arms and a rich moisturizing masque with warm hand cozies to soothe and comfort.

Men’s Manicures
A grooming manicure shapes nails, cuticles, and hangnails – finishes with a nail buff or topcoat.

Gambian Pedicures
This deluxe experience offers relaxation, renewal and a major hydrating restorative treatment for nails, feet and legs. First, a warm softening soak then callous and cuticle work with the most luxurious natural products. A massage for feet and legs and a rich moisturizing masque with warm foot cozies to soothe and comfort. Followed with a complete range of services from buffing, trimming and shaping, to base-and-top coating and polishing.

Manicure D350 40 Minutes
Pedicure D550 60 Minutes

To book your Pedicure/Manicure call us on +220-9904493

Friday, February 13, 2009

Head Neck and Shoulder Massage

Total bliss – a wonderful 35 minute massage to ease away stress and tension in the head, neck and shoulder, topped off by an invigorating scalp massage.


D400 35 Minutes

To Book Your Head Neck and Shoulder Massage call us on +220-9904493

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Honey Detox Back Massage

This amazing massage is based on the Russian traditional medicine. Raw honey is spread on the back and with a specific technique the toxins are "pumped out". By stimulating the back the neurones carry impulses from the central nervous system to the sensory and the motor nerves of the peripheral nervous system, thus affecting the whole body.

- cleans, moisturizes, and nourishes the skin
- removes salts and toxins
- relaxes the nervous system
- improves blood circulation, metabolism
- increases the lymphatic system flow
- frees from intellectual and physical chronic exhaustion
- increases immunity and the ability of the organism to purify itself

D400 35 Minutes

To Book your Honey Detox Back Massage call us on +220-9904493

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Relaxez-Vous Beauty Menu

Forget Your Worries Holistic Massage

Holistic Massage to de-stress & promote relaxation – enhances the healthy functioning of all the body’s systems

D500 60 Minutes

Sweet as Honey Detox Massage
Raw honey is spread on the back and with a specific technique the toxins are "pumped out".

D400 35 Minutes

Tight N Trim Anti-Celluite Massage

Our anti-cellulite massage helps reduce fat by working the cellulite affected areas of the body.
D450 35 Minutes

It Feels So Good Indian Head Massage

A combination of therapeutic & remedial techniques, focusing on the upper back, neck, shoulders & upper arms.

D450 45 Minutes

Mind, Body & Soul Aromatherapy Massage

A gentle massage using long, flowing strokes & stimulation of acupressure points to promote lymphatic flow. Pure, therapeutic grade essential oils blended specifically for you – this combination of massage & oils is very powerful.

D600 60 Minutes

Stress Buster Head, Neck & Shoulder Massage
The head, neck and shoulder region contain a lot of nerve endings. Our Stress Buster treatment is an intensely relaxing and revitalising massage that also nourishes both hair and hair roots.
D400 35 Minutes

Mum’s the Word Pregnancy Massage

A wonderful way to nurture yourself during pregnancy & great for baby too. Helps to prevent stretch marks. Pregnancy cushions allow face down massage to full term. Includes appropriate essential oil blend.

D600 45 Minutes

Simply Fab Back Massage

Deeply relaxing back massage useing a combination of techniques to wind you down.

D350 30 Minutes

Tree of Life Mini-Facelift Face Pack with Facial

Our Baobab face mask indulges the skin with its unique combination of organic wild harvested Baobab miccronised fruit. It feeds your skin with protective antioxidants, protects from ageing free radicals, and encourages skin regeneration, all the while leaving skin silky-smooth.

D500 40 Minutes

Feet Treat Reflexology Treatment

Begin with a foot spa, add essential oils, foot relaxation techniques & a full reflexology treatment, finishing with Polarity balancing & lavender foot cream.

D400 35 Minutes

Hand Pamper Package Reflex-Mani

A beautiful way to say thank you to your hardworking hands – a full hand reflexology treatment, followed by a soothing hand massage and manicure that will leave you feeling so relaxed.

D600 60 Minutes
Footsie Pamper Package Reflex-Pedi

A special treat for your feet. A full foot reflexology treatment, followed by a soothing foot massage and pedicure that will leave you walking on air.

D800 60 Minutes

Smooth as Silk Waxing Treatments

Full Leg D600 45 Minutes

Half Leg D300 30 Minutes

Bikini Line D300 25 Minutes

Under Arm D300 25 Minutes

To book your beauty treatment call us on +220-9904493